Sharon cares your wellbeing

Services & Cases


  • Acupuncture 
  • Electroacupuncture
  • Cupping
  • Tui Na (Chinese medicinal massage) / Acupressure
  • DDS Bio-electric Therapy
  • Pulse diagnosis
  • Chinese herbology
  • Gua Sha
  • Moxibustion
  • Auricular and Scalp Acupuncture
  • Nutrition / Food Therapy, etc

Treatments can improve your:

  • Pain reduction include: Migraines, shoulder, neck, back, and knee pain, Arthritis, Sciatica and Carpal Tunnel, etc.
  • Stress and tension relief
  • Insomnia
  • Post stroke care: relief dizziness, pain, tingling, numbness, or tightness of muscle or extremities.
  • Fatigue: Increased energy levels or relief chronical fatigue 
  • Digestion: Strengthen digestion or reduce heart burn 
  • Hormone: Balance hormone to relief PMS, Postmenopausal Symptoms, etc. 
  • Addiction: Relief from bad habits and addictions
  • Wellness: Greater sense of overall health and well-being

Case of Pain Relief

Case 1 - Pain Relief & increase flexibility 


A middle aged male has had neck and shoulder pain and stiffness for over 4 years. He tried many holistic treatments to improve the problem but not very effective.  The consistent dull chronical pain reduced the range of motion on his neck and shoulder.  Pictures show his arms could not raise higher than shoulders nor move backward.   After I gave him two treatments. his arms became more flexible [see pictures] and the pain had been improved too.  He was happy he could raise his arms high after years, so he would go on treatments for further improvement. 


Case 2 - Pain Relief & increase flexibility 


A young female has neck, shoulder, back pain and tightness  for some years. She had treatments from Chiropractor and got massage to relief the pain.  When she saw me, the pain level was 5-7 of 10 scale.  Lately she had sport injury on her right knee and had been limping for three days; pain level was 5-6 of 10 scale. After I gave her a treatment and she immediately did not feel any pain on her knee even though she tried different movements that used to induce pain.  Furthermore, her neck, shoulder and back pain just reduced significantly, tightness of neck and back was loosened and flexibility increased [see pictures].  She will come back for further treatments to improve her physical ability for her career and well-being. 

Cases of Skin Problem

Case 1 - Eczema 


A middle age female has suffered from eczema on scalp for 6 years, had used western prescribed cream but did not change much.  She had much emotional stressed caused eczema spread down to neck, chest and arms. She tried Oriental medicine treatments and food therapy for years and cleared up much. However, eczema on her scalp has never gone away.   Lately, I let her to take Ling Zhi herbal capsules together with antiitchy cream. Within two weeks, itchiness almost went away, the thick rough sink smoothed down much.  She still takes Ling Zhi capsules to improves her immune system and relief skin overreaction from emotional stress.


Case 2 - Skin Rash and Insomnia image

A late middle age female suffered from skin rash over a year after she changed a western medication. The rough thick itchy rashes spread out from thighs to torso, neck and armpit.  Intensive itchiness woke her up every night. She tried antiitch drug, cream and herbal formula.  Her itchiness somewhat relieved but which can be flare up with certain food, hot weather, emotional or physical stress.  She stopped any skin medicine or herbs for months, the rashes and red spots spread out to face and ears. After I let her take Ling Zhi capsules for about 3 weeks together with her antiitch cream, rashes calmed down much, itchiness reduced much, skins look much better.  She used to have insomnia, difficult to fall asleep or state asleep, especially with her skin itchiness. She used to take herbal pills that she fell asleep quicker but still no deep-sleep. After taking Ling Zhi, her sleeping improved much. 


Case 3 - Eczema image

A young female finished antibiotic for acute mastitis, skin eczema occurred on her thighs. She was prescribed medication and cream for the eczema.  Side effect of sever drowsiness made her stop the medication; eczema had been spreading out for a week. She did not feel prescribed cream reduce her itchiness.   I let her to take Ling Zhi herbal capsules together with antiitchy cream. Itchiness reduced much within a few days.  Ten days after, itchiness stop.  She still takes Ling Zhi capsules to improves her skin problem.

Cases of Post Stroke Treatments

Case 1 - Post Stroke Symptoms 


A female senior had a stroke 2 years ago, now she uses walker, drags legs in short steps.  She can lift her arms up, toward front and sides, but left arm could not move towards the back.  She keeps on massage therapy once weekly as her rehabilitation. 

After my one section treatment to promote qi and blood circulation and relax tendon and muscles, she could move both arms toward the back even more, especially the left arm [see photos].  She felt her back and legs were loosened.  I saw she walked slightly easy and faster.

Case 2- Post Stroke Symptoms 

Another female senior had a stroke 4 years ago.  She feels left sides of arm and leg are weak with numbness, lost strength could not control them well. Left arm and leg cannot extend straight.  When raising arms up, left arm curves and about 4 inches shorter than right arm. When walking, left leg slightly drags, and left knee curved outward.  She walks and stretches limbs everyday as part of her rehabilitation.

After three treatments of promoting qi and blood circulation and relaxing tendons and muscles, she could raise up her left hand higher as same level and right arm. Even though she said she did not feel any different on her left side, when I touched or pressed her muscles of back and limbs, she had more sensation on muscles of her back and limbs.  The longer the stroke had happened, qi and blood circulation and nutrition to body cells have been diminished, and long-term treatments are needed to improve body movements.

Case 3 - Post Stroke Symptoms 

Another female senior experienced two strokes, one was over ten years that caused her dyspnea, she has difficulty in speaking words. The second stroke was three months ago after she had suffered from severe dizziness and vertigo for some weeks.  While she was hospitalized, she was very weak, especially her limbs, her right arm lost strength and reduced range of motion, and labored breathing with sever dizziness.

First treatment at hospital, patient immediate reduce her dizziness which she had suffered for some weeks.  Also, I taught her some self-remedies to promote recovery and prayed together to calm down her emotion.  Later, she breathed a bit easier than before, her face changed from distressed to peaceful. 

After a week hospitalized, she moved to rehab center. She said she kept on doing the self-remedy I told her and no dizziness any more, but she just finished physical therapy and felt very exhausted.  I saw she still had a bit labored breathing and weak limbs and difficult to move.  Then I gave her second treatment to promote qi and blood circulation, relax muscle and tendons.    She stated she felt better and gained strength when moving limbs. Under the observation of nurse, she even walked back and forth with her hands holding on furniture or wall.